Just give us a call, you’ll get hearing protection for all
If hazardous noise is part of your workplace you have two options. You can remove, or reduce the noise to acceptable levels, or provide hearing protection for all your employees. We can help you with both.
Hearing protection for all your employees
We can also provide all of your employees with the only custom molded earplugs that meet Australian hearing standards, rated as a Class 5 hearing protector with an SLC 80 rating of 28 – so they’re workplace approved.
We’ll take a room on site, and schedule appointments for all of your employees, working our way through until with have impression molds of everyone’s ears. Then we’ll finalise the custom molded earplugs off-site, and post them back.
Also, if you do provide hearing protection for your employees, Worksafe Australia recommends that their hearing is tested at least every two years.

Workplace hearing tests
We can also provide regular workplace hearing tests of all your employees, monitoring indications or changes of hearing loss. Our fully equipped mobile unit and team of qualified health professionals come directly to your workplace, and we’ll work our way through until everyone has been tested. It’s a lot quicker, cost effective and much less disruptive than sending everyone for a hearing test.
We work to the standard as set by: AS/NZS 1269.4:2014 Occupational Noise Management Part 4: Auditory assessment for the pure tone air conduction threshold tests.
Measuring & monitoring for hearing protection
Measuring & reducing noise
First of all, we can help you determine how noisy the workplace is. Working closely with Acoustic Consultants and Occupational Hygienists, we’ll conduct an accurate Industrial Noise Survey, and if it’s above safe limits advise how to reduce it, to comply with regulations.
What are Work safe limits for noise?
Exposure standards have been set at an LAeq,8h of 85 dB(A) and a peak noise level at 140 dB(C), which protects most but not all people, so workplace noise exposure really needs to be kept lower if possible.

Hearing loss can happen gradually, or suddenly, so even if there are no indications right now, that doesn’t mean there might not be an issue further down the line.
If you want to be sure, and you want to comply with work regulations, just give us a call on 0411 186 989 now, or click here to send us an email.