How noisy is your workplace? If you don’t know, you could be at risk.
If you have to raise your voice to someone standing a metre away, your workplace is probably louder than 80-85 decibels (dBA) and you’ll need to perform an Industrial Noise Survey.
Industrial Noise Survey: your obligations
This is regulated by the NSW Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017, and is part of a range of legal obligations to protect your employees’ hearing.
A thorough and professional Occupational Noise Assessment (Industrial Noise Survey) will deliver on your legal requirements, and remain valid for five years.
If any of your machinery is upgraded, or a change of worksite or processes made, then an updated survey needs to be completed.
Industrial Noise Survey: how it all works
Working closely with acoustic consultants and occupational hygienists, we’ll assess your workplace in regard to the types of spaces, and the activities being undertaken. This helps us determine where additional measurement needs to be performed.

Next, we’ll tailor a detailed Industrial Noise Survey specifically for your business, ensuring that all noise is accurately measured. This can be done with a static test, using specific sound level metered equipment, or with dosimeters fitted to employees, providing a noise exposure assessment for that particular employee. Sometimes a combination of both will be used.
Once the assessment is complete, we’ll provide you with detailed and accurate reports on the situation, along with expert advice on how to manage the noise. We’ll review your existing risk management programs to ensure they’re still valid, and if not, we’ll help you develop and implement new programs to address the results of the survey, and manage your risk accordingly.